Monday, March 28, 2011

Not(e) to Myself

Okey, let me begin with my small confession. 
I still do not understand why people often say "I'm the one who have the biggest problem in the world. I better die." or else. HELLO! Wake up please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well yes, we like to use 'IF' word; "If I were you, my life will be so much easier.", "If I do this, I won't regret." and many more IF. As for me, I like to imagine how if I was born in another family? How if the time can be stopped? How if xx? How if xxx?...But it's just imagination. We are not living in fairy tale world and there is no tinker bell will help us to solve our problems. We live in the REAL WORLD and there is no turning back here. Who else will help you except Allah?
Ask Him, ask for His direction and also forgiveness.
Don't be selfish to think that you are the only one who have the complicated bombastic problem in the world.
For me, if I have trouble I will think of my Mom's quotations:
"Maybe what we want is not what we need."
"Keep your positive thinking. Control your mind and don't let evil control it!"
"Accept. Accept. Accept."
It's soo hard for me to keep positive. But,please remember people cannot help you, you're the ONE who can help yourself to be more open. Then you will realize that actually Allah always direct your way

Sunday, March 20, 2011

March(ing) On

March is kinda busy everyone!!!
Soo many assignments to do and so many presentations are coming up for April.
Though I had some chances to shopping and bought some new stuffs (ehm), hehe!
Speaking of that, I've been thinking to sell my clothes, shoes and bags that I don't wanna use anymore... I sold some to my friends already. And the others? I think I will keep them and give to my younger cousin. (Ahaa, she will be very happy).
Study break starts tomorrow. Me and ( I wish) my team will try harder to prepare our presentations. 
And I hope I will pass through Mr. April smoothly. EXAMSSSS AHHH!

Enjoy your day:)
Keep Marching On

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

February Lucky Duck

Ahaa! I was so damn lucky...
Bulan Februari kemarin, aku menang kuis habibie ainun via twitter. Hadiahnya, aku berhasil  mendapatkan buku habibie ainun yang ditandatangani langsung oleh pak Habibie beserta namaku didalamnya. :D :D :D  For me it's such an honour.
Dan ternyata bukan itu aja, aku dapet "letter of the month" edisi Gogirl Magz februari. Hadiahnya, aku akan dikasi Samsung MP3 oleh pihak Gogirl. :) :) :)
But FYI, barang2 nya belum ada ditangan aku.
Untuk quiz habibie ainun, aku bingung kenapa hadiahnya belum mendarat juga di rumahku padahal aku uda memberikan alamat rumah via email and email aku dibalas mereka. Hmm. It's almost a month.
Nah, untuk Gogirl, aku baru tau semalam( Yes! Semalam!) kalau aku berhak dapetin MP3 nya. Abang aku baru abis liburan di hometown aku~ Medan dan bawain aku majalah langganan aku tersebut. Terus, pas aku baca tadi malam, nama aku ada didalamnya. Tadi pagi dan siang aku coba telp ke kantor Gogirl tapi bagian promosinya nggak ada. Huff. Jadi aku nggak ngerti tuh and nggak bisa mastiin bahwa aku bakal dapat hadiahnya...
Yahh, I hope those 2 things can be mine as soon as possible.
Well, buku habibie ainun dan mp3 sebenarnya aku uda punya. Tapi rasanya bedaaaaaaaaaa gitu kalau aku dapat karena 'menangin' sesuatu. Cieeee. Tapi serius loh.. Aku nggak ada maksud pamer atau sombong, cuma ada perasaan puas dan self- identity (huh?). Mungkin kalian gitu juga? Hehehe.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Baso Kurma- Kurma Meatballs

Guys, how are you today?
Ok well, I'm fine here. Just a bit cough and headache. But hey, it's March. That means MegaSale time!!!!! Maybe my headache will disappear after 'shopping spree'. LOL ~maybe.
Actually, I don't know what should I post since I had published 5 posts about ECE (Early Childhood Education) industry. That was my first assignment of technology subject. So, please take a look. It could be useful for you :)

Btw, Have you heard/ eat Baso Kurma?
Frankly, I heard about Baso Kurma from my brother. His friend brought a ton of Baso Kurma for him and he wanted to give me some. I was like " Huh?". 
I imagined Kurma as the Baso and mixed with the stock sauce. Yikes! But when he showed me, I was definitely wrong. It's Baso and quail eggs mixed with lemak sauce.
Visually, it is not yummy at all.
However, you should try this. Baso Kurma is superb!!!! Superb spicy and hot.
And I want moreee even I need to drink a lot,hehehe.

FYI, Baso Kurma is from Padang not from Arab. Ok?