Thursday, December 29, 2011

Current Report: Trans Studio Bandung.

Ke Bandung berarti ke Trans Studio Bandung! Awalnya aku sempat galau untuk masuk karena rasanya sayang buang-buang duit (baca: sedikit meremehkan Trans Studio). Tapi setelah berpikir berulang ulang dengan 2 sepupuku, akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk masuk (dan melayanglah dua ratus ribu rupiah ke kantong Trans Corp).
SERU kok. Konsepnya emang hampir sama dengan universal studio tapi kan kalau TRANS studio ini indoor dan lebih kecil emang.
Baru masuk, udah main Vertigo (kayaknya di dufan juga ada deh). Pusiing gilaa, tangan gemeteran selesai main.
Dan masih banyak wahana wahana yang seru lagi tapi sayangnya roller coaster nya belum bisa dimainin.

Aku paling terkesima sama marvel 4D dan green screen (aku jadi host Insert Investigasi Selebriti :D)
Nah, tapi kalau di Trans Studio Makassar ada wax figures seperti di Madame Tussauds, di Bandung nggak ada atau belum ada.
Overall, I didn't regret it and thumbs up for Trans Studio!
Here are some pics I took inside (btw, these are from pocket camera only, yaaa not that good babe!)

yes ME as a host :)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


13 DECEMBER 2011 was a remarkable day.
I turned 20; which I did not really excited about it ;)
And also, I finished my final written exam. Alhamdulillah! One step closer to reach my Diploma. Feel great? No. I was doing good for my exams but I cannot say I did great. It was just a smooth flow, nice way to end it. #BeGrateful
To end this final, my friends and I had great dinner last night and they gave me a birthday cake surprise. Aww, thanks girls. Alhamdulillah.

Start from tomorrow I will take my holiday.
Start from the basic

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Kiddo, I miss y'all

My job accepts emotional bonding with my clients. 
And I miss my clients right now. 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Update: Most Favorite Korean Drama 2011

JongHyun (SHINee)- So Goodbye

Montessori Class

Hi fellas!
So, I am taking An Introduction to the Theory & Practice of the Montessori Method of Education for my final sem.
I attend 14 classes; 7 classes for the theory and another 7 classes for the practice. We have learned Montessori philosophy and background in some previous subjects. But we never really explore about it. And, the time has come!
Btw, for the exam, we have written exam and practice exam. For the practice exam, we need to choose one material for each categories and present it in front of the lecturer (the lecturer become the child and me become the teacher). There are 5 categories; Activity for everyday living, Literacy, Numeracy, Culture and Sensorial.
So, these are the materials that I chose for my practice exam (1st Dec).

1) Using pegging- Activity for everyday life
2) Sandpaper letters- Literacy
3) Seguin Board B Naming the symbol 10-90- Numeracy
4) Continent Globe- Culture
5) Color Box 1- Sensorial Activity

Thank Goodness, it went well! From 5 materials that I chose, the lecturer will decide 3 materials to present only. And on that day, they (yes, they: 3 lecturers was assessing me) chose Using Pegging, Sandpaper Letter and Color Box 1.

Overall, I like Montessori Class!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I like the materials that I chose for practice exam. Hehehe.