Thursday, April 28, 2011


Well, I was taking art and craft for young children subject at my fifth sem. It was really fun but at the same time it wassss so intimidating (for me).
The most intimidating time was when the lecturer asked us to make animal paper mache and a bag!!!!! Dang. Shoot me!
However I've gone through that moment thanks to my friend who helped me a lot......
So, here was my individual work:
Some of my artworks 
Rhoda Kellog's stages of art development. My theme: Fish
My bag. Yeay:))
Turtle- Paper Mache
Next: Fun at class and Group work!!!!!
starch painting 1
starch painting 2
Mobiles for valentine day

Do you see the tone?
There was a day when the lecturer divided each group to make different animals at majong paper. And my group was a prince  frog. We coloured it with colour pencils and we painted for the background. TIRING AHH!

Well, enough! There are soo many of pictures but I need to get back to study. Soo, bye =>
kiss me?

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Justin Bieber Concert Live in Malaysia 2011

WARNING: If you are a hater, please do not read this post.

I'm not a Belieber (fanatic fans of Justin Bieber) but personally I like him. I like most of his songs, I like him visually as well. Yeah, this kid has such a talent! Nah, you can define me as whatever you want :)
Anyway, I have decided to go to his concert with a friend.
So, these are some of the photos from my camera...

That was a great night! (As you know the girls really put the effort to scream out loud)
But you know, there are quite many guys as well. Haha, I wondered why they wanna watch bieber!
Well, I enjoyed myself that night! And my money was worth it!!! Btw, sorry for the not really professional pics. That's soo many reason behind it,LOL!

P.S: It was raining that day (twice) before the concert. Ahh! What a day..
P.P.S: I like him more since the concert :) :) :) Teehee

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Kids Edu Fair 2011- Malaysia (KL)

I went to Kid's Education Fair at PWTC with my friend. It was raining that day and we arrived there around 4 pm then we registered our name. After that, they gave us the map and we can freely visit any booths at 4th floor and 3rd floor. It was a very fun time!
Here is some pics that we took that day:
Prime Minister wife  and Krista students
learn to make sushi with Sakae sushi

P.S: Kidzania is coming really soon here in Malaysia! Yuhuuuu! I love Kidzania. I went to Kidzania Jakarta with my young brother and cousin last time and it is soo good for children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And I hope I have a chance to go to Kidzania Malaysia (excited like a child!).

Monday, April 11, 2011

An awesome article I found - Parlez vous anglais?

I've been mentioned this article on my twitter. The writer and I had a same perception about this. And I really wanna share with you guys. I tried searching the link on the net but I couldn't find it.
So here it is, I will write for you!
Enjoy :)

Parlez vous anglais?
By: Zainal Alam Kadir 
Published on the malay mail 7 April, 2011.

She was pretty sure that not many people liked her because she spoke English with accent. She said people should blame her parents for sending her to the UK so that she could master the language.
Now that was one of the weirdest statements I'd heard a long time.
In the weird woman's case, it was pretty true that she was not well-liked. Nope. It was not because she spoke with accent. It was just her attitude sucked. Big time.
For a person who was sent overseas to "see the world", she was pretty shallow, judgemental and honestly, quite silly.
You mean people would spend all the money to just learn another language and nothing else?
And all my parents could afford was to send me to Sekolah Abdullah in Sungai Mati so that I still could speak the same language. Sheesh...
Maybe I do not speak with an accent but I can assure you that you would still understand me when I speak.
I can also assure that I would be smarter in either language. Really, being able to speak English does not make you smarter.
Being able to speak another language (or more) might have an advantage, but you know what? If you are not supported by your IQ and EQ, the additional language won't get you anywhere.
To those who have the notion that English equals intelligence, I have news for you. Many Japanese do not speak the language, but they have produced many life changing inventions.
In my case, the additional language gives me the advantage of hosting different types of events. I may be in Felda Tenggaroh one weekend to entertain rural people with provincial taste one day, and garbed in the tux next, attending a social or more formal function that are more urbane in flavour.
As a televison person, I get to appear on different channels too.
Really, it's just another language.
"Dia tak cerdik la.. English pun tak betul." (He's not clever enough. He can't even speak English well.)
I am sure you've heard this a lot. God knows what it really means though.
I've travelled to many parts of the world ( thanks to my job), and I have to assure you, being able to speak English does not get  you that far in some countries.
Once I was in Barcelona and very hungry. I was at this cafe and all I could do was use sign language to order my food. To make it more dramatic, I spoke in Bahasa Malaysia all the way.
So imagine me ordering tuna sandwich and white coffee in Bahasa Malaysia, assisted by my frantic gestures, while the exasperated waitress had to guess in Spanish.
Latte? Well, all I did was place my palm on my chest and squeeze a little, and my coffee came in the right colour.
See? Not a single word of English used. All I had to be was street smart and with little bit of humour, I got things my way.
The same trick was used in Shanghai, Tokyo, Verona, Cannes and many parts of the world where English was not the favoured language.
In Malaysia however, it is THE language that would determine your err, class or where you stand in the society.
I once worked in an office (not the malay mail) where people who are at the top or those who are promoted were those who could answer their email in English.
Honestly, more often that not, their job seemed to revolve around emails and meetings (in English). The real work? Well, it was mainly done by the "lower level staff" who spoke in "the other" language.
The other day, I had dinner with my niece and another friend at a rather nice restaurant filled with snooty people.
I decided to experiment a little bit. When the waiter came, I decided to use Bahasa Malaysia to order the food from the rather sophisticated menu. 
Guess what? His reaction was not that kind. In fact, my niece ended up with something she did not order. Service was pretty slow too and without a smile.
"Dik, boleh tak ambil roti ni? Banyak sangat.."(can you take away the bread? It's a little too much.)
His reply?
"Don't worry, We don't charge for the bread. It is free."
A different request that was greeted with a rather disjointed reply. Now, which part of my request was unclear, I wonder. By the way, I swear the waiter was Malaysian and he definitely could speak Bahasa Malaysia.
When I started writing for the entertainment section of an English daily almost 20 years ago, many asked me why I choose local names as my subjects and not the international stars.
Their assessment was simple (and pretty simplistic). No one who read English newspaper cared about local artists. Malaysian names should remain in Bahasa Malaysia dailies.
While many of my colleagues seemed more keen to interview all the international names and review their works, I was pretty happy to write about my own people. 
As far as I was concerned. I was writing stories that were relevant to the country.
My other reason was pretty frank as well. If people want a great article on say, Madonna, Sting or any of the big names, I am sure they'd chose international magazines like Vanity Fair, Rolling Stones, GQ, or any of those established glossy journals.
I stuck to my gun and when I was made the entertainment editor of The Malay Mail, some 10 years ago, I used the same formula. Local content and local subjects for Malaysian newspaper in English.
It was also based on a simple observation. If people want to find out more on Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, they can just serve the net. Their appearance in our newspaper would not even push sales.
Interestingly, when The Malay Mail ran stories on Mawi (who was THE star then); Sharifah Aini, Jamal Abdillah, Normala Shamsuddin and many others, the paper's sale would be higher.
The more sensational their comments were, the higher the sale would be.
"People will still go for the same dirt. And we are offering it in English." I would say.
My decisions was also based on another simple observation,: English speaking Malaysians find it "challenging" to pick up and buy a Bahasa Malaysia daily. However, they still curious about what's going on in the Malaysian entertainment business.
So, what they'd do is get the latest on the juicy gossip from those who have read it in the Bahasa Malaysia's newspaper or secretly read the borrowed Bahasa Malaysia dailies in the office.
That's where people like me would come into the picture. You want to know the latest? Just keep reading...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Padang Blast

Hi there... 
Beberapa hari yang lalu aku sempet ke Padang. Sebenernya nggak direncanakan sih. Ayahku ada tugas di Padang, trus mamaku mau ikut otomatis adikku ikut juga, trus aku jadi pengen ikut (nggak mau kalah), trus ayahku bilang sekalian ajak abangku untuk ikut karena dia cukup expert tentang kota Padang. Jadinya, kami malah family reunion di Padang deh,hehe.
Aku sama abangku berangkat dari Kuala Lumpur jam 7 pagi. Sedangkan ortu and adik berangkat dari Medan jam 3 sore. Jiahh! Untung ada temen abangku, Kak A. Jadi kami dijemput sama dia dan jalan-jalan ditemani Kak A.
Oiya, kami dijemput naik ini loh:
keren kan? *mobil Kak A
Dimulai dengan sarapan di tepi laut Padang. Makan nasi soup beserta perkedel dan telur puyuh. Maknyuss!

Petualangan dilanjutkan dengan mengunjungi rumah temen ayah, untuk pinjam mobil selama di Padang. Setelah itu kami kerumah Kak A, ngapain? Makan lagi donk. Mama Kak A buat bakwan. Kami makan deh sambil cakap-cakap dan nonton TV. Taunya udah jam setengah 2 aja, kami pun solat, makan siang dan melanjutkan perjalanan dengan mobil pinjaman. Karena aku mati penasaran gimana sih mall di Padang, maka Kak A dan abangku bawa aku ke Basko Mall. Dan rasa penasaranku pun terungkap. Mallnya nggak ada apa-apanya. Sepiii banget. Duh, lemes deh. Dan untuk killin' time kami mau chillin' di J-Co tapi pas aku bilang "enak deh makan bakso ujan-ujan gini" (emang lagi ujan), trus Kak A bilang ada warung baso yang enak deket Mall, jadinya makan J-Co nya dicancel deh. Abis makan baso, Kak A dan abang aku baru teringat untuk ajak aku nyicip soup buah dan cendol yang terkenal di Padang (huh!)

Ternyata disini ada jual mie pangsit (kata Kak A dan abangku mie pangsitnya enak. grrr!). Tapi karena aku cukup tau diri, jadi aku nggak pesan. Cukup soup buah. Enak loh!!!!!! Tapi cendolnya aku kurang suka. Abis dari sini, kami bingung mau kemana lagi. Kak A pun sebagai orang Padang bingung mau ngajak kemana. Hadeeh!!! Akhirmya kami nyewa komiks di tempat langganan temennya abang aku. Baru deh kita cabut ke airport lagi-jemput ortu.
Ortu dan adik pas banget touched down di Padang pas maghrib. Kami semua langsung jalan ke Bukit Tinggi (termasuk Kak A sebagai tour guide). Bukit Tinggi sekitar 2 jam dari airport.
On the way ke Bukit Tinggi, we had dinner di Sate Padang Mak Syukur.
famous banget nih.

Baru deh, kita lanjutin perjalanan ke the Hills hotel. Sampai di hotel udah jam 10an so apalagi selain tidur.

Ini nih pemandangan dari The Hills hotel
Modelnya nggak diitung sebagai pemandangan ya.
Breakfast dan cabut ke LOBANG JEPANG. Keren deh disini...Liat gua yang dibuat Jepang jaman dulu. Dan FYI, didalem lobang, sama sekali nggak panas loh (secara, di Bukit Tinggi gitu loh!)
Rencananya, selesai dari Lobang Jepang, kami mau makan itik sambal hijau. Tapi semuanya pada masih kenyang. Jadi kami lanjut ke Ngarai Sianok. Ini nih pemandangannya.
Abis menikmati keindahan di Ngarai Sianok dan merasakan sejuk airnya, kami lanjut jalan-jalan ke daerah Danau Singkarak. Agak lama dari Ngarai Sianok ke Danau Singkarak sampai aku ada waktu buat tidur,hehe.
Di tengah perjalanan kami beli bika buat ngemil.
Sampai di Danau Singkarak dan ngeliat keindahannya, kami langsung mencari restoran untuk makan siang. Restoran disini, ditepi danau semua. Jadinya makan siangnya serasa romantis gitu,haha.
Abis romantic lunch bareng family, kami bergegas pulang ke hotel. Sampai di hotel udah pukul 3an. Abis solat, Genk cowoks udah tidur aja. Maka aku, Kak A dan Mama pun ke Jam Gadang dan pasar atas untuk SHOPPING!!!!!:)
*oops, ada tangan Kak A
Shopping disini enak loh! Murah!!!!!! Bagus bagus lagi: =),untungnya ada Kak A, jadi tawar menawar pake bahasa Padang gitu. LOL

Pagi jam 10 udah cabut ke Padang. This time, perjalanan ke Padang memakan waktu selama 4 jam karena kami lewat rute Maninjau=> Jalan Kelok 44=> Pariaman=> Padang.
Mau tau sate padang yang original? Atau udah tau?
Nggak kalah sama view di Ireland.
Sate Pariaman. ASLI!
Sampai di Padang udah pukul 3 sore. Check in hotel, belanja-belanja, makan malam trus tidur.

Soto minang roda jaya. ENAKKK GILAA!!!!!!

Well, that's the end of my journey. Baru sekali itu aku ke Padang. Dan kalau ada kesempatan, pengen lagi. Ternyata keren!!! Dulu masih cupu-cupunya, ngerasa Bali dan Bandung are the TOP. Mungkin aku memang warga negara yang tidak baik,huhu. Selanjutnya mungkin merencanakan ke Makassar(secara bulan Feb kemarin batal, karena urgent problem) dan Bangka Belitung. Doakan yaa! 
Yeay, visit Indonesia :)