Monday, January 24, 2011


Hi guys!
Apparently, someone was in the good mood to made some pizza. LOL. Ok, it's not true at all. 
Actually, my relative who also stayed in KL wanted to learn how to make pizza dough. She called me to help her and I said yes, I will help her.
I can tell you that in my hometown my Mom often to cook pizza but I never HELP! I just sat down in the kitchen and had some conversation with her while she made it. So, why on earth I said I can help my relative??? 
Well, the reason was super simple. It was because I saw my mom made it and in senior high school before, I made dough for donut once or twice a week that built confidence in me when she asked me.

It took almost 4 hours for me to made the pizza...........
..........and TADAAAAAA. 

First attempted and it was a nerve wrecking!!!!!!!!!!

but Alhamdulillah, everyone loves it.

And, the pic of the processes


So, you want some? =D

Monday, January 17, 2011

the other side of me

A few days ago, I took dinner with friends and we gossiping a lot.
There's so many things for us to shared in the conversation. I talked, she talked and her friend also talked. We talked about things happen around us and blah!
What they did not realize was actually I kinda down and upset that time because of my problem.

After we ended the conversation, I know, I realize and I'm sure that I'm not the only one who have problem.
I mean, I know everyone have their own problem, but sometimes I forget about it. The reason is because they rarely to reveal their sadness problem to me (or am I that ignorant?) so I believe that they live in peace castle and I'm the one live in the middle of jungle and almost lost.

That day, they made me appreciate myself and my life better. You know, sometimes when we sad we need someone or something to break the ice. In this situation, my friend did that to me (even she did not realize and I hope she is not) Thanks friend :D

" Please remember, no matter what you go through this life, somebody else might have it harder. So, just appreciate." - Jessica Simpson

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Kelantan. I wanna see Manohara

Well, tanpa direncanakan sebelumnya, temen aku (Z) mengundang aku untuk jalan-jalan di kota kelahirannya, Kelantan. Tanpa berkelit, aku pun setuju dan we booked the ticket straight away. FYI, perjalanan dari KL- Kelantan melalui kereta api memakan waktu lebih kurang 8 jam, jika perjalanan darat menaiki bus atau mobil pribadi memakan waktu 5-6 jam dan perjalanan udara menaiki pesawat memakan waktu 50-55 menit. Kami memilih menaiki pesawat dengan alasan yang sangat utama adalah karena Z mabuk darat lagipula ongkosnya nggak mahak-mahal amat kok,hehe.

Day 1
Perjalanan pun dimulai pada Jumat siang. Pesawat jam 1.40 PM. Kami sengaja nggak makan siang di KL karena Z pengen ajak aku makan siang di Kelantan, tetapi pesawat nya delay 1 jam. ArghhhhhH! Terpaksa lah makan Mc'D.  Pukul 3.00 PM kami akhirnya berangkat juga. Dan Alhamdulillah pukul 4.00 PM touched down di Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Sepupu Z menjemput kami di airport dan kami menuju ke rumah nenek Z. Sampai di rumah, kami MAKAN SIANG LAGI DONK :D!!! ( Oiya, dari airport ke rumah nenek Z cuma 15 menit. Kayak di Medan, dari Polonia airport ke rumah aku cuma 15 menitan juga). Terus aku nemenin Z pergi ngurus keperluannya yang lumayan lama. Liat punya liat ternyata udah jam 7.00 PM. Mana ujan lagi!!! Akhirnya, kami memutuskan untuk makan malam (what, makan lagi?). Z ajak aku dan nenek Z makan di Four Seasons. Awalnya, aku pikir Four Seasons yang Z maksud adalah hotel, ternyata restoran. Guys, resto ini terkenal banget di Kota Bharu.Kami makan sampai pukul 8.00 PM  and kenyang gilaaaa sumpah! Dari Four Seasons kami langsung pulang ke rumah. Berendam air hangat. Ngegosip sama Z dan akhirmya tidur deh.

Day 2
Bangun pagi jam 7.30 AM. Langsung mandi, berdandan dikit terus ke airport (lagi) menjemput mama Z. Dari airport kami pergi sarapan ke ' Pak Joe '. Aku makan sate, minum teh sama minta nasi campur Z dikit. Tempatnya kayak kedai kopi tempat ngumpul lekaki. Yang mampir ke situ juga banyakan lelaki. Tapi mama Z suka makan situ dan emang enak lho!!! Pagi-pagi aku makan sate pake sambal belacan. Hmmph! 
Nah, abis sarapan perjalanan agak membosankan. Kami ke toko emas langganan mama Z. OMG! Aku kurang sukaa cuci mata di toko emas. Aku duduk disitu hampir sejam bantuin mama Z milih-milih. Nggak mood abis.
Dari toko emas kami ke KTC (Kelantan Trade Centre) nemenin mama Z. Awalnya aku dan Z membayangkan hal itu sama membosankannya seperti di toko emas. Tapi ternyata salah. Kami ketemu Khairul Fahmi- Goal Keeper dari Malaysia. Dia lagi photoshoot disitu. Dan kami lewat PASSS di tempat dia melakukan photoshoot. Z hebohhhhhhhh banget. Aku sih biasa aja walau seneng and kaget juga. Trus Z minta photo bareng. Btw, dua hari sebelumnya kami ngobrolin Khairul Fahmi. Aku bilang  sama Z and Z'sisters kalau Goal Keeper Malaysia hebat juga yaa, lumayan cakep lagii. Z'sisters juga nge fans sama dia. Ehh, ga taunya AKU ketemu!!!!huahuahuahua. Dia emang cakep ( lebih cakep di foto atau di tv) tapi terlihat agak tua lah dari umurnya yang kata Z baru 21 tahun. Z senengggg banget lohh guys. Kaki dia sampai gemetar gitu. Dari situ, Z nggak henti-hentinya omongin tentang Khairul Fahmi dan show off fotonya ke sodara-sodaranya setiap ketemu.  

NOTE: Temen-temen aku yang di tanah air tercinta, aku hanya foto bareng yaa!!! Bukan berarti aku nggak nasionalis. Ini hanya sekedar foto. Sayangnya aku belum pernah ketemu Bambang Pamungkas, Irfan Bachdim, Nasuha ataupun Christian Gonzales jadi aku nggak bisa pamer foto mereka :(

 Dari KTC, perjalanan dilanjutkan ke rumah tante Z. Kami duduk-duduk sebentar sampai pukul 12.00 PM. Mama Z ngajak makan nasi air yang sangat famous di tenda pinggir jalan. Enak lohhh! Tapi sayangnya, kuahnya kurang panas jadi kurang nendang rasanya. Rasanya sama kayak makan nasi pake soup.

Abis makan siang, kami singgah ke batik boutique yang terkenal di Kelantan. Disitu banyakan dijual kain, kaftan, dll. Agak lama juga kami cuci mata sebelum pulang ke rumah nenek Z. Sholat. And back on war again!!! Aku, Z, sepupu Z dan teman Z pergi ke pasar Khadijah. Aku makan telur PENYU lohhh disitu. Penasaran rasanya gimana??? Coba sendiri deh... ehehehe. Dari pasar  Khadijah, Z mengajak kami semua ke Pantai Cahaya Bulan. Pantai nya biasa aja sih guys. Kami duduk-duduk di kedai sambil makan rojak. Sebelum maghrib kami udah balik lagi ke rumah nenek Z. Ngobrol sana-sini, nonton tv, sholat, makan malam sampai jam 09.00 PM. Trus, Z ajak kami kongkow di sebelah sungai Kelantan (aku lupaa namanyaa apa, tapi itu tempat anak muda Kelantan kongkow. Tempatnya mirip Merdeka Walk Medan). Temen Z dan sepupunya pada pesen ABC. Aku seleraa tapi tau bakalan nggak abis, jadi cicip doank deh. Hehe. Duduk-duduk disini sampai jam 01.00 AM trus balik ke rumah. Nggak pakai mandi dan dalam hitungan ketiga langsung tidur.

Day 3
Kami telat bangunn! Aku bangun jam 09.00 AM. Mandi, bedandan dan packing baru kemudian Z dan mama Z bangun jam 1000 AM. Mereka mandi bebek aja, trus kami langsung ciao ke pasar Khadijah untuk sarapan disana. Makan nasi campur dengan porsi yang pass banget untuk makan pagi. Abis makan, kami cuci mata liat-liat jilbab yang masih berlokasi di pasar Khadijah. 
Liat punya liat ternyata uda jam 11.15 AM. Kami belum beli oleh-oleh makanan. Jadi kami langsung ngebut beli untuk beli kue khas Kelantan. On the way ke tempat kue, kami singgah ke museum Kelantan sebentar. Masuknya cuma RM 1. Disitu ditunjukkan foto-foto pangeran-pangeran dan puti-putri Kelantan (aku cari cari foto Manohara, tapi ngga ketemu. Hehe), kamar tidur Raja, baju-baju Raja, dll.

Baru deh kami meluncur ke toko kue nyaaa. Kue-kue dari Kelantan manis-manis guys. Orang Kelantan suka manis jadi semua masakannya manissss banget.

Nah, abis dari sini. Mama Z ajak kami ke Four Seasons lagi untuk makan siang. OMG, kami baru aja makan pagi (makannya nasi lagi) jam sebelasan dan lanjut makan siang satu setengah jam berikutnya ke Four Seasons. Blenger gilaaaaaa. Aku nggak mau makan nasi banyak-banyak, makan lauknya aja dibanyakin. Kami makan sampai jam 02.30 PM. Padahal pesawat kami bakal berangkat jam 03.00 PM (huaa?). Kami langsung pulang ke rumah nenek Z, ambil tas terus langsung berangkat ke airport. Check in jam 02.50 PM. Langsung masuk pesawat. Pffiuh! Sayonara Kelantan. I might be coming back.

- Di Kelantan, rata-rata semua perempuan pada pakai jilbab. Jarang banget deh untuk nemuin perempuan yang nggak pakai jilbab di jalan.
- Di Kelantan, hari liburnya Jumat - Sabtu. Jadi yaaa, hari Minggu sekolah dan beraktivitas seperti biasa.
- Kelantan juga rawan banjir lohh. Pas aku datang aja nih yaa, banjir lagi melanda. 
- Semua makanan dan minuman serba manis.
- Kabar Manohara tidak terdengar lagi disini.

*I'm still soo excited about my new blog! so I try to keep update anytime :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Becoming an Early Childhood Professional

Guys, this essay was my first assignment of ' Becoming an Early Childhood Professional' subject. It was about why I took Early Childhood Education course. The grammar was totally horrible but I JUST WANT TO SHARE WITH YOU:)

Becoming an Early Childhood Professional
Many people looked down on me when they asked, "What major are you taking in college?" and I answered " I take Early Childhood Education." Most of them will wrinkle up their forehead and looked puzzled why me in the very first place, I wanted to take on culinary art course changed my mind to become an educator. After I thought about it several times, I realized that early childhood education is very interesting and complex course, made me have always build up my creativity and maintain high patience if I wanted to enter this world and also because I feel comfortable when surrounded by children. It made me feel both challenges and rewards when teaching children. Although I know to become an educator is not easy, especially an early childhood educator, where at this stage children body and soul development increases rapidly and as an educator  I am taking part to support their development.

Another factor that influenced me to study about early childhood educator further is because I want to have my own establishment from it, opening my own kindergarten and training center for future teacher. So, children at my kindergarten are taught by teachers from my training center. This might be sound delusive but I really look forward to make this happen. At least, if this dream comes true, I hope I can make a little contribution to my country about education.

Right now, from this early childhood program that I take, what I want is to become a teacher. As a teacher, I want to be able to make the best lesson plan that is appropriate to the children age and development, which linked to my understanding towards their individual needs, because every children has their own unique characteristic. Then I want to try to find what their good at- their talent and emphasize the talent. Also help them in building their state of discipline, honesty and responsibility since young age. Lat but not least, to become a good partner for their parents. I will be very happy if the parents can put their trust on me for their child's care.

Becoming a teacher does not mean I know everything that the children and their parents do not know; I still need to learn more and always open my mind to new knowledge and information. I have to enhance my creativity and imagination to catch the children attention and made them understand what I am saying and not feeling dejected when they ask something that I do not know the answer.On that matter I can always ask them to find the answer together with me, basically learning how to share information. Also, I have to direct myself to not always commanding and ordering them around, for example: "Be quiet", "Sit down", "Do this", etc. because that action actually will just drive them to be a passive character.

If people ask me, what is my aptitude to support this education? I will answer that I am loving and energetic person.Without loving the children, it will be difficult to be surrounded by them moreover making them to trust me. Even sometimes I always ask myself, can I make the children trust me? But from loving grows acceptance, so I am sure that they will trust and accept me sooner or later. I also an energetic person, hopefully somehow I can influence the children to be energetic as well. If the children ask me to play physically such as: running, jumping and hide and seek, without hesitating I will play with them too. But energetic not always come in term to only playing, when facing a lesson we also have to be energetic. I will make the impression that study can also be fun, not so boring and so they can gain knowledge even from playing.

Finally, although it is tough to be an early childhood educator but the complexity and personal satisfaction it gives me, make me feel want to dig deeper about this knowledge. Maybe I have personal satisfaction when they call me 'teacher', it sound great for me, I hope from my knowledge and later experience, I can give a little contribution for the children. it is hard to reach but that is the consideration to be professional  and there are no boundaries to be professional.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

TOP 10 GUYS 2010

Hello fellas! I'm thingking of a lottt of guys around the world and I try to list them here in my post. You need to remember that I choose them subjectively. That means I vote based on my OPINION. >,<
Okay, let's get started :D

Nah! Here they are:

10) Taylor Lautner 
He has the body, the face, the smile. I just love him. I love him in Twilight movie and also him in Valentine's Day movie. He is the handsome wolf alive :D

9) Novak Djocovic

I love him since I saw him on TV. FYI, I hang his photo on my bedroom's wall back at my hometown. HEHEHE. He has 'it', he has the look and he looks super cool when he plays tennis.

8) Shia Labeouf

Awww... Just a glance only and you will know how dangerous his eyes. Rite gals? When he was dating Carey Mulligan, I was so happy because they look awesome together. But they decided to quit after Wall Street Movie was appear in public. Hiks. 

7) Ed Westwick

I started to love this guy when I watch Gossip Girl. Even there is a rumor that he is gay, SO WHATTTT?I don't care!!!! I still love my Chuck Bass. I also hang his photo beside Novak Djocovic on my bedroom's wall. What a confession!

6) Lee Min Ho
Well well well. Even there are manyyyyyyy cute guys from Korea, I stick with LMH. I don't have spesific reason. He has the cute face, cute voice, cute nails :p. People said that he did the surgery to his nose. I don't care ah! It was his decision. Btw, I love the other Korean guys too but LMH is the icon for me. 

5) Usher

 You see his smile? Cute rite? I love his voice. And he is soooo sweet. Compare to B.O.B, Florida, etc. I prefer Usher's look. HEHEHE. Am I wrong?

4) Skandar Keynes
 He is gorgeous!!! I JUST LOVE HIM! He is soooo cute and also he has the look to be cool.
Arggggh!!!!!!! Skandar Keynes, I watch Narnia because of YOU. HEHEHE :'>

3) Ryan Reynolds
He's just in to me! LOL! He is the sexiest man alive 2010 according to Hollywood. You see his body, his eyes, his mouth. YES! He's so damn sexy. Scarlet Johannson is soo lucky to be with him. But I just heard that they have split. OH NO!

2) Justin Bieber

2010 was an amazing year for JB. I heard his song "One Time" for the first time and I thought he is a girl until I asked my cousin. HEHEHE. He is cute and talented, so what's wrong with that? Love You JB.

1) James Mc Avoy
Gee! I can't say anything. I think he is gorgeous! His nose is so damn sexy! He looks like playboy but WHATEVER, I'M SO IN LOVE WITH HIM!

So, these are my top 10 guys!
I hope you guys like it even you do not agree (:
Catch you later.
And have a nice day!

Monday, January 3, 2011

HI-My first greet

Hi guys. 
Ini postingan pertama aku di blog. Dulu dulu rasanya males banget buat blog. Tapi setelah dipikir-pikir selama beberapa jam yang lalu akhirnya TADAAAAAA. 3 Januari 2011 blog ku diluncurkan juga :D

Errm.. Tapi bingung juga mau cerita apa. Pengen share tentang pengalaman hidup aku tapi takut dibilang nggak mutu lah (lagian siapa juga yang baca?). hehehehehe. So let me menyampah di blog.

Mumpung masih tahun baru, aku ucapin:
Aku nggak punya resolusi, aku hanya ingin terus berbuat yang terbaik. That's all. Kalian?

Well,this is my first greeting. I'll catch you in another post ya
See ya! Bye