Thursday, December 29, 2011

Current Report: Trans Studio Bandung.

Ke Bandung berarti ke Trans Studio Bandung! Awalnya aku sempat galau untuk masuk karena rasanya sayang buang-buang duit (baca: sedikit meremehkan Trans Studio). Tapi setelah berpikir berulang ulang dengan 2 sepupuku, akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk masuk (dan melayanglah dua ratus ribu rupiah ke kantong Trans Corp).
SERU kok. Konsepnya emang hampir sama dengan universal studio tapi kan kalau TRANS studio ini indoor dan lebih kecil emang.
Baru masuk, udah main Vertigo (kayaknya di dufan juga ada deh). Pusiing gilaa, tangan gemeteran selesai main.
Dan masih banyak wahana wahana yang seru lagi tapi sayangnya roller coaster nya belum bisa dimainin.

Aku paling terkesima sama marvel 4D dan green screen (aku jadi host Insert Investigasi Selebriti :D)
Nah, tapi kalau di Trans Studio Makassar ada wax figures seperti di Madame Tussauds, di Bandung nggak ada atau belum ada.
Overall, I didn't regret it and thumbs up for Trans Studio!
Here are some pics I took inside (btw, these are from pocket camera only, yaaa not that good babe!)

yes ME as a host :)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


13 DECEMBER 2011 was a remarkable day.
I turned 20; which I did not really excited about it ;)
And also, I finished my final written exam. Alhamdulillah! One step closer to reach my Diploma. Feel great? No. I was doing good for my exams but I cannot say I did great. It was just a smooth flow, nice way to end it. #BeGrateful
To end this final, my friends and I had great dinner last night and they gave me a birthday cake surprise. Aww, thanks girls. Alhamdulillah.

Start from tomorrow I will take my holiday.
Start from the basic

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Kiddo, I miss y'all

My job accepts emotional bonding with my clients. 
And I miss my clients right now. 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Update: Most Favorite Korean Drama 2011

JongHyun (SHINee)- So Goodbye

Montessori Class

Hi fellas!
So, I am taking An Introduction to the Theory & Practice of the Montessori Method of Education for my final sem.
I attend 14 classes; 7 classes for the theory and another 7 classes for the practice. We have learned Montessori philosophy and background in some previous subjects. But we never really explore about it. And, the time has come!
Btw, for the exam, we have written exam and practice exam. For the practice exam, we need to choose one material for each categories and present it in front of the lecturer (the lecturer become the child and me become the teacher). There are 5 categories; Activity for everyday living, Literacy, Numeracy, Culture and Sensorial.
So, these are the materials that I chose for my practice exam (1st Dec).

1) Using pegging- Activity for everyday life
2) Sandpaper letters- Literacy
3) Seguin Board B Naming the symbol 10-90- Numeracy
4) Continent Globe- Culture
5) Color Box 1- Sensorial Activity

Thank Goodness, it went well! From 5 materials that I chose, the lecturer will decide 3 materials to present only. And on that day, they (yes, they: 3 lecturers was assessing me) chose Using Pegging, Sandpaper Letter and Color Box 1.

Overall, I like Montessori Class!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I like the materials that I chose for practice exam. Hehehe.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

homemade pempek; I MADE IT :D


 a- 1 bowl of blended mackerel fish (as seen on pic no.1)
b- 2 spoon of wheat flour, mix with boiled water
c- oil
d- salt
e- 2 bowl of starch flour

1) Mix ingredients a and b
2) Pour 2 spoons of salt and 2 spoons of oil in it
3) Add starch flour flour slowly (pic no.3), stir well.
4) Meanwhile, boil water+ oil+ salt to boil the pempek dough (pic no.4)
5) Make the dough as seen on pic no 5.
6) Boil the dough.
7) TADAAA..... this is pempek ala chef vini (as seen on pic no.6)
8) Serve with pempek sauce.
ps: some people fry the boiled pempek, but I prefer boiled pempek.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Unsatisfaction Service

This happened to me last week when I invited my friend and her Mom to try PH in Indonesia. They visited me at my hometown, Medan and I told them that PH in Malaysia and Indonesia was different. It's a wayyyyyyyyy delicious and yum yum in Indonesia :D
We were there at PH restaurant for dinner around 9 pm, we took our order and yeahhh.. we waited. From the menu, my friend and her Mom surprised already because there were so many choices. But then, here began the drama. One of the menu did not served at our table. I asked 3 times about it and they (the waiter and waitress) told me "I will check, I will check. I will check" . While there were checking, we finished all our food and felt like want to go home BUT these waiter and waitress kept us there and still checking I guess. Therefore, I asked for the bill and you know WhaTtt????? Yes, you know. It came in a minute only. I asked them, so where was the menu and the waitress told me "Hmm, actually, you did not order it, Miss. If you want, you need to wait for 7 minutes. So?"
WHAT T%6&7**&*@^*@). That time my emotion (anger) really showed up."So, you asked me to wait another 7 minutes? Why don't you tell me before, I asked you 3 times what??? I am sure that I ordered it and now you said it's not on the list?NONSENSE."
After payment, the waitress tried to do her job once again, Smile and  said "Thank you, please come again."
"No, I don't want to come here anymore."
And I did not care that she will tell about me to the other waitresses, I just DIDN'T CARE!

After I reached home, I know I had mistake; I can't control my emotion. As a defensive statement I just can say that time I was so upset and disappoint because I cannot show my friend how good PH was. It turned to be like that!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Time for KUANTAN

Guys, aku ke Kuantan pas hari raya idul fitri yang ke 4. Karena aku udah harus balik lagi ke KL. Hiks (sumpah, males banget rasanya).
Aku stay di rumahnya housemate aku. Rumahnya homey banget loh.  Berasa di rumah sendiri.
So, here is my story:

Kami pushed off dari KL jam 8.30 malam dan sampai Kuantan jam 1 pagi. Langsung tidur and tidur. Besok siangnya kami ke Cherating!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHA
Cherating itu terkenal dengan penyunya. Yah, mirip bali lah.
Trus trus yahhhhhhhhh, kami main pantai lah. Di Cherating ngepantai, di Kuantan juga ngepantai. Karena hari raya, kawan aku banyak datang open house. Jadi ya ya yaaaa, okey lah pergi open house juga (aku nya nggak mau ikut tapi). Di KUANTAN sih aku banyak tidur and makan kali yahhh, jadi yaaa nggak banyak cerita juga. Mamanya housemate aku masakkkkk terus kerjaannya, jadi yaaa harus disyukuri juga kan? ;)
Tapi pengalaman yang tak terlupakan pas aku NGEBATIK di Cherating. HAHAHA. Aduh, maklum ya, kalau ada yang pernah baca post aku tentang Art and Craft Class pasti tau kalo aku orangnya sangat tidak berseni. Nah, nah, di Cherating dengan PD nya aku NGEBATIK sendirian padahal bisa bedua gitu lohhh. Aku bilang sama housemate aku kalo aku pengen banget nyoba sendiri and liat hasil karyaku; Lebay Mode On!
Tapi aku nggak mau show off disini ya, malu dibilang jelek. Tapi komentar dari orang orang terdekat sih katanya hasilnya bagus dari seorang unprofessional kayak aku.

Nggak banyak cerita sih dari Kuantan. Sorry, but still I wanna share;)
Tapi yang paling terkenal itu pantai teluk chempedak dan chicken chop enak di teluk chempedak. Love that!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

foodcourt for what?

I never ever ever understand with people who really like to study at noisy places. Last week I went to the mall and while waiting for my friend to come, I ate late lunch at food court. Then I was sitting right in front of a table with four chairs and there is a Chinese girl sat there. At first, I didn't really notice of what she was doing then I looked, looked, looked and looked, she was STUDY!! She wore ear plug (as I observed) and did some math calculation on her paper and on her laptop.
I am aware enough that many of my friends will go to Mc'D or something like kopitiam to study if exam is around the corner. That's still acceptable for me. But but hey, hello!!!! We are talking about food court at lunch time and on weekend! You can visualize how noisy that place was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well yeah, I mean I never do that before, go study at Mc'D either. I always stuck in my room or else in library. That's all!.
Btw, I took a pic of it. Hehe.
Nonetheless, I know that everyone has different style for study. So, enjoy you style! And have a great weekend everyone :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

I am (not) OK

Rasanya pengen nangis.
Rasanya air mata ini harus jatuh.
Rasanya pengen gitu lemah aja nggak usah tegar.
Rasanya pengen bilang ke orang orang kalo sebenarnya aku nggak kuat, aku nggak mampu, aku nggak sanggup.
Tapi rasanya mulut pun susah mengucapkannya
Jadi ya,
Cukup dengan I'm OK.
You know I am not.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Tadi pagi, begitu membuka mata, aku langsung lihat blackberry aku dan buka facebook. Well, kebanyakan dari status di facebook adalah keluhan tentang kehidupan mereka yang sangat berat; 'Kenapa harus bangun pagi?', 'Telat sahur.', 'Ditinggal pacar.', 'Bokek.' , dll.  Tapi ada satu status yang bener-bener menyiksa mata aku untuk melihatnya.
Well, nggak perlu aku kasi tau apa isi statusnya, tapi yang tulis status itu adalah temen aku sendiri. Temen deket kalau boleh dibilang.

Here's the thing. Kalau kita punya masalah, kita akan terus mencoba untuk menyikapinya. Tapi tiap orang berbeda. Kalau aku punya masalah, aku akan terusssssssssss tetap kepikiran walaupun aku udah mencoba untuk tidak memikirkan. Susahhhh rasanya buat aku untuk nggak kepikiran. Tapi, ada orang yang memang rileks dan santai banget. Orang kayak gini yang jarang banget stress. Nah, ada orang yang nampaknya nggak kepikiran padahal dalam hatinya udah berkecamuk rasa sedih, stress, atau perasaan yang lain.
Temen aku ini adalah orang yang nggak nampak stress nya. Tapi, dalam hatinya udah ada seratus ribu cara untuk melawan dan mencegah masalah itu. Dan dia lebih suka mencurahkan isi hatinya ke social networking daripada real friends dia (termasuk aku)

"Dengan masalah yang kita hadapi, diukur lah iman kita."
Teman, apapun masalah yang kita hadapi, PASTI ada jalan. Sesungguhnya di setiap kesusahan ada kemudahan. Allah hanya menguji kita sesuai kemampuan kita.
Jadi janganlah kita menzalimi diri kita sendiri. Janganlah sampai kita depresi, ingin mati, ingin keluarga yang lain, ingin ini dan akhirnya menyiksa diri kita sendiri. Ingatlah hidup ini hanya persinggahan ke kehidupan yang kekal di akhirat.
Jangan memendam perasaan dan kemudian mencurahkannya di social networking. Buat apa? Ingin simpati dari orang kah? Curahkan pada Tuhan semesta alam. Curahkan pada teman atau saudara yang paling kamu percaya. Curahkan pada lembaran-lembaran diary. Curahkan apada dinding yang kokoh tapi please teman, pikirkan seribu kali sebelum mencurahkannya di facebook, twitter atau social networking yang lain.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Get it right

What can you do when your good isn't good enough?
And all that you touch tumbles down?
'Cause my best intentions keep making a mess of things
I just wanna fix it somehow
But how many times will it takes...
Oh, how many times will it take for me to get it right?
To get it right.
Can I start again, with my faith shaken?
'Cause I can't go back and undo things

Glee- Get it right

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Ramadan Mubarak All

Ramadan Mubarak Friends. I know this is late but better late than never right? ;)
Our Lord, perfect for us our light and forgive us. Indeed, You are over all things competent. 
(Al- Tahrim 66:8)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Social Studies For Young Children

I am taking Social Studies for Young Children for this semester. First, I thought it is an easy subject. However, it is not. Hmm. My lecturer gives pretty standard assignments. But, there are sooooo many aspects that we should dig about.
Frankly, I do not really aware about this subject. After I have gone through 8 classess, I notice that social studies is connected to every subjects such as: Science and Language. Sometimes when you teach the children social studies, you also teach them about science.
From that I made my own conclusion that many schools do not have social studies in curriculum because it is related to other subjects. When the children learn Math, they also get a chance to learn social studies. For example: Time (Past, Present, Current)... When the children learn Language, they also get a chance to learn social studies. For example: Family. When the children learn science, they also get a chance to learn social studies. For example: Solar system.
When it comes to "Who is the founder of telephone?" and stuff like that, I am thinking that do the children ages 4-6 need to learn about this? Do they understand? Do they grasp the concept of founder?
Nevertheless, we as the teacher should prepared ourselves to teach the children about social studies.
Currently I am trying to read a social studies text book that my lecturer suggested to us. You know, preparing myself for exam ;)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Relay for Life 2011

Relay for life is organized by National Cancer Society Malaysia (NCSM) every year.
This year, I have a chance to participate by donating RM 15. 
The event started from Saturday 6 pm to Sunday 10 am.
We went to the stadium at 6pm and there were like 1000 people more... There were so many tent as well.
Every hour, they presented different show and activities.
Most of the performers were the survivals.  They seriously were touching my heart.
At 8 pm, we had a small ceremony by put all the lantern together to remember those who has gone and those who still struggle fighting the cancer. The stadium was all dark and only all the lantern gave us light.

We enjoyed every show by  every performers, we also had a chance to meet other people. Most of my groupmates did not sleep because they did not want to miss every sinlge activities and performance. 
This event was seriously a good idea. Next year, you better join!

Giving hope celebrating a life

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Emotional Roller Coaster

I seriously am having a hard time to apply the knowledge that I've absorbed to my students. I can feel that no one support me for that, thefore I am feeling not to support myself as well.
Yes, I am a bit down right now. I am SAD. How can I treat my students like that? Guilty is always in my heart every day.

Is that something wrong with me? I mean, is it something in me that makes me have a difficulty time dealing with this? Is it normal?
I don't know.

Monday, July 11, 2011

June meet July

Yah, udah bulan Juli aja ternyata. Time flies really fast!
Ritual aku udah mulai berubah sedikit semenjak bulan Juni karena aku harus start kerja dan bangun pagi hari tentunyaaa. Rasanya berattttt banget kalau udah alarm bunyi tapi alhamdulillah sampai sekarang tetap semangat dan masih semangat.
Lebih dari setahun aku membiasakan diri untuk bangun siangan dikit. Jadi, badan aku agak shock juga sih pas disuruh bangun bagi tiap hari.
Sekarang lagi masa masa membiasakan diri untuk segala perubahan. Ceileh, gaya banget yaaa akunya!
Masa masa untuk mengenal my bossess juga.
Well, jujur aja kadang aku masih belum tau apa yang diinginkan oleh salah satu dari mereka. Kalau dipikir-pikir, kami bekerja sebagai team, tapi kenapa yaaa masih ada juga yang suka seenak hatinya doang. Okey, think positive! (saat menulis blog ini aku lagi kesel banget sama dia)

Btw, aku dan abang aku udah prepare kado buat ultah my mom. Udah lewat sihh ultahnya cuma kan kami nggak ada ketemu, yaaaa jadi kadonya disimpan dulu deh. Tapi kadonyaaa super hebat deh. Hehehe (sombong).

Hmm.. apalagi yaaaa. Actually, banyak lagi yang ingin aku post tapi untuk saat ini, biarlah stop disini. See you on the next post! :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My vote goes to Blackberry

I still remember I've told my brother that I really wanna iPhone so bad (before I have blackberry). But now, I have my blackberry and I should admit, blackberry is a seriously smartphone. I don't have any idea, why on earth I wanna iPhone before? Haha. 
For information, I never have a thought to buy blackberry, but there was a situation called 'there comes a good thing'. My cousin bought her blackberry curve and the next day she got free blackberry bold from lucky draw. So, she wanted using bold and she sold to me the curve with the cheaper price.I kept telling my mom that I didn't want. If I have my blackberry, I want the white one, not the black one. At last, my mom gave up on my cousin's provocation and she bought it from her. And it's officially mine since  middle September.
Now, I enjoy it sooo much. 
Thanks to the founder.

What comes next? I think I better get iPad than iPhone.
Who knows? ;)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

LANGKAWI with super girls

After the exam, me and my super girls planned to go to Langkawi. Well, technically they often go there so they became my tour guide lah! LOL
We spent 3 days and 2 night to discover Langkawi.
Then, if you ask me whether I enjoy my trip or not, the answer is definitely YES!
Thanks to my super girls...

So, I appreciate my super girls so muchhh! Next trip? Hmm...

1. We stay in Budget Inn Langkawi. It's affordable and clean.
2. Food in Langkawi is amazingly delicious and inexpensive. 
3. If you have a chance, please visit Galeria Perdana. It's cool man!
4. And yeah, the weather is freakin hot.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Me say hi...

So, it's been a while or should I say since 28th April 2011, I never update my blog.
May was a veryyyyy busyyyy holiday!!!!!! I tried to update once I arrived at my hometown- Medan but I just can't. There's no internet in our home and I had a super laziness feeling to go to cyber cafe.
But here I am now, back to reality. No more holiday mood. You should say hi to my new friend, semester 6 :)).
Btw, it's quite awkward that I should stay here by myself. Need to make breakfast by my own, need to do laundry by my own, need this and that my by own. Huh! After almost 1 month holiday, I forgot how it was....
Hahaha. But I am fine :)

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Well, I was taking art and craft for young children subject at my fifth sem. It was really fun but at the same time it wassss so intimidating (for me).
The most intimidating time was when the lecturer asked us to make animal paper mache and a bag!!!!! Dang. Shoot me!
However I've gone through that moment thanks to my friend who helped me a lot......
So, here was my individual work:
Some of my artworks 
Rhoda Kellog's stages of art development. My theme: Fish
My bag. Yeay:))
Turtle- Paper Mache
Next: Fun at class and Group work!!!!!
starch painting 1
starch painting 2
Mobiles for valentine day

Do you see the tone?
There was a day when the lecturer divided each group to make different animals at majong paper. And my group was a prince  frog. We coloured it with colour pencils and we painted for the background. TIRING AHH!

Well, enough! There are soo many of pictures but I need to get back to study. Soo, bye =>
kiss me?